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Gauteng, South Africa
This blog is to keep you all updated with what we have been up to and how the kids are growing and show you how our amazing family is expanding....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dancing Festival

For months Kayla bugged me about wanting to do dancing, we had been through a series of extra mural activites that she wanted to do, started and then lost interest and stopped. So I had a chat o her to find out if she really wanted to do dancing and if she would stick to it. She assured me that she would. 3 months later here we are at her Dancing Festival. The festival runs over a period of a week and various dance schools compete against each other, in age groups and in styles.

Kayla's group got to dance today. She looks so grown up.......

The girls danced their "Please dont stop the music" dance in the Modern Category in the u/8 section and did so well. They were given an "A".

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