All of us

My photo
Gauteng, South Africa
This blog is to keep you all updated with what we have been up to and how the kids are growing and show you how our amazing family is expanding....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

All about Kayla Denese

Kayla is such a girly girl, she loves to dress up, always wants to wear make up.. Loves wearing any high heel shoes she can find, be it mine or her Ouma's.

It's really hard to believe that she will be 5 this year. Time sure has flown by.

She is loving school, and is now doing Ballet, although I think she needs to also do something more energetic when it comes to dancing.. but in time that will come.

She is enjoying the summer and as you can see any oportunity she gets to swim she takes it and has a blast.

All she wants to do is help, any and everywhere, be it with her brother (which she does really well) or when I am in the kitchen...

Will keep you posted on the happenings.

Lots of love

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